January 11, 2011

Oodles and Noodles.

Growing up... we ate these a lot.
Because Shaye, D & I loved. LOVE them.

We always have.
And they are still on our lunch menus today.
There were sometimes Shaye and I would not cook them as directed.

There were some days we would break off the pieces.

Like this picture and just eat the oodles an noodles hard and crunchy right out of the pack.

This is something I have not actually done in a while but last night I wanted a little something to snack on and
well oodles an noodles were the only thing in the bare cabinets.

And to be honest I forgot how GOOD they were just plan and crunchy.

*I know this sounds weird.

and I know this because B. just looked at me and asked.
"you're going to cook those right??"
I simple said "no I'm not, they are SOOO good like this, Shaye and I use to eat them crunchy when we were younger!"
she then said. "wow, I'm not sure why I'm surprised but I have NEVER heard of ANYONE eating ramen noodles like that."

I said they're  "oodles an noodles.  Not ramen noodles."

(which I know this is what the package says and I know it's technically oodles of noodles. But WE call them oodles an noodles.)

Then she tried them and said "humm not to bad!"

So try it you might just be surprised!!



  1. i eat ramen noodles everyway possible.
    and i eat them basically everyday of my life.
    glad to hear someone shares my love for them.

  2. are you the one that sprinkles crunches of dry noodles on your cooked ones....for added crunch and accessorizing your dish?

  3. Mmmmm - I'll have to pass this tip on to my kids. They love those noodles. I'm enjoying your blog! :)

  4. ooodles and noooodlesss fooo evaaa.

    i love them!!
    plain & crunchy is the best way to eat them to go!

  5. Thanks to you and your gang...my child is on the raw noodle kick. When her buddies visit, she'll bust a pack open and eat most of it before the water boils, they watch her as if she is from outer-space. Also raw pasta...everyday, after school snack. This to must be a Simmons thing to, and believe me she is at least one third Simmons.

    Oddles are always hi on the grocery list around here...Love the post.

    BTW...Brooke says hello & that she loves you...She read your post with me.

  6. ahh ashley!! i remember always eating oodles and noodles prepared just this way at the Simmons household!! :)

  7. No, THIS is what is weird: I have never had these. There. I said it. talk about weird! :)
