August 31, 2011


Last Saturday I went to a baby shower for one of my dear friends.
Her and her husband are having a baby BOY!!!
I am so happy for them and I know they cannot wait for their little bundle of joy to arrive!

Here are a few pictures of the couples baby shower!

the future mom and dad to be having fun opening a few presents

We had  a blast! Everyone showed up and Jonathan and Jessica received a TON a wonderful new things for their sweet little Harrison!

I am so happy for you guys and I know you will make phenomenal parents.
HTW is one Lucky baby boy!

August 24, 2011

friday night lights...

Last Friday Becky and I headed to Statesville to watch my brother play his first game of his senior year.
(holy cow that was weird typing that!)
It was a nice breath of fresh air getting out of Charlotte and watching #11 do his thing on the gridiron.

Here are a few pictures from the game...

someone please get this boy some pants that fit his legs.

Just like papa with his hands on his hips.

Even though they lost the first game I am so very proud of my brother and all that he will accomplish this year not only in sports but in school as well.  He is such an amazing person, inside and out, one I am so thankful to be able to call my brother.  I am so glad that I was able to make it to his first game and even though I live in Charlotte I will make to every single game that I can!

I love you d.
Play hard and do your best every Friday night and I know you will make all 4 of us proud.
even dad =)

August 6, 2011

feel your heart race...

A few weeks ago I made a trip to Randleman.
This is a trip I always LOVE taking.
My dad first introduce our family to this camp years ago,
because he helped build this place.
(and he did a dang good job at it too!)

Since the my dad made a bid on this camp it has held a special place in his heart,
and with that it has also found its way into the hearts of Courtney, Ryan, Mom & I.

This camp is wonderful and I love everything about it.
I love the opportunities it gives to the children and the sheer amount of love and happiness it give to every single camper, even though they might be facing the hardest battle of their life.

Because my dad has a heart that is bigger than anyone else I know, I know his heart feels warm knowing that his children love being able to help and give in the way he does.

We have not yet been able to be a volunteer while the campers are in session but I know this is something that I will be doing and I believe my sister feels the same way.

So a few weeks ago I went and painted this fire hydrant.

And with a little help from one of my helpers we ended up with something that looked a little bit like this =)

I loved the finished product! LOVED IT!
It turned out so much better than I had imagined it!

Now Court and I will be making another trip to Randleman for this....

Now we are only doing the 5K this go round but we are SOOO excited about it!

and after we finish our race we will be painting up some more of the fire hydrants making them look fun and cool for the kids to enjoy!

Have a Happy Saturday!