Saturday was Darla's Birthday.
and a bunch of us got together on Saturday to celebrate!
We went to dinner at rock bottom and walked around downtown just soaking up Charlotte....
Something none of us do quite often enough. It is such a beautiful place and i am so glad that we were all back in one city getting to spend this beautiful Saturday night together!
it is always so vibrant and the people are always having such a good time!
Here are the girls!
(alexis, case, ash, dara, me)
We had a wonderful time and it was nice to get together with these ladies and just cut loose and have a good time! =) I hope you had a wonderful birthday Darla!!
Thank you for being so loving and such a great friend and passionate about the things you do in life.
I Love You very much and i am so thankful to have you in my life!!!
=) =) =)
(p.s. Darla just got engaged and next sunday i am taking a few pictures of her and her future hubby!!!)
Tuesday was this girl in the middles 23rd birthday...

Thanks for being such a wonderful friend to me and everyone else becks!!!
We are so grateful for everything you do for us!
I am lucky to have such a sweet and amazing friend!
I sure hope you had a wonderful birthday!!!
Sunday we had a surprise dinner for beck when she came home since she had been in Disney World all week (LUCKKYY) and had been in the car for umpteen hours we decided to cook her a special dinner... =)
We had a wonderful time!!
Though we did not take any pictures this particular night i know there will be some to come very soon!
She Finally did it!!!!
She is now graduating from Western Carolina's School of Nursing!!

Saturday Becks and I are packing up the car and making the journey to Asheville to watch this girl graduate!
She started out at UNCC with us and even though she transferred schools... which might I add we were not to happy about.... she has still remained one of our very close friends! =)
She is going to be an amazing Nurse I just know it!
With her thick southern drawl and being the loving person she is I know ALL of her patients will just LOVE her to death!!!
I am so proud of you Steph for always being true to yourself, working so hard and being the amazing young woman you are!
I know you will do great things with your life and this is only the beginning!
Congratulations Steph!!!!!!!!!!
Pictures to come after we get back!!!!
Have a wonderful Thursday!
great times with great'll always remember these fun times! :)