Well hello again. I know I know. I am a TERRIBLE blogger.
hands down probably the worst ever.....But Oh well its a new year full of new beginnings so lets try this one more time....
Now First... lets play catch up.
I have a new job and I am learning something new every single day!
Not 1 but 2 of my friends have given birth to sweet, screaming miracles.
and oh how i love me some babies....

Are they not just too cute for words??? ahhh!
I have killed yet another fish....
which i choose not to name for the sole fact that my track record isn't that great.....
We have been through 3 holidays all of them being amazing this year.
It was the first year in a long time that I was able to sit back and enjoy the holiday's rather than rush around from place to place. I loved it.
(yes i am aware that everyone doesn't include Halloween but i love Halloween so i have to include it)
I have realized what amazing friends I have in my life...
I have ran in 2 different 5k's
The Run for Victory at Victory Junction Gang Camp

Susan G. Komen's Race for the Cure.

I finished an online class and have started studying for the GRE.
My brother kicked butt in football and is currently ballin it up on the basketball courts!
& I am one proud sister.

My sister is now a certified EMT and just celebrated her 21st birthday!
There has been a lot more and these are just a few that i remember off the top of my head.....just so you can be somewhat up to date! ha
Thank you 2011 for being a year of change, growth and humbling experiences.....
Now with my 24th Birthday being just around the corner I am even more excited for what 2012 has in store from me!
Happy Wednesday!
and why not while im at it here is a song...... dont forget to pause the music on the side.