Last week my mom & sister came down for a visit.
which you know if you follow
this blog.
I was so excited because it was the first time my sister and my mother came for an extended period of time
where I actually got to show them around my town.
So I am going to break it down into days.....
Day 1.
These 2 arrived.
then we and purchased 2 of these.
Oh how I love thee.
I am so excited to figure out and learn all of the settings on my new camera!
Ahhhh I am so thankful I have great parents who encourage my sister and I to explore our artistic side!
&& who purchased this for my graduation gift! =) It was so worth the wait!
We had an early dinner at
Oh I love this place... it was Courts first experience here and I do believe she will be heading back!
We then mad a quick stop by hobby lobby to pick up some fabric for our craft we had planned for the evening.
We also made our own camera straps =)
This is how mine turned out... (I will be posting a more about that later)
I was very pleased with the result considering this was the first thing I had ever sewn myself without the help of my mema threading the bobbin! haha
Day 2
was a rainy rainy rainy day.
much like day 1.
But we were off to make the best of it!
we went to Ikea and looked around since my parents are planning on redoing the kitchen to get some ideas!
I love Ikea such great price for such great stuff!
after we left ikea I took them to Berkdale Village.
Now I love Berkdale. I love the area. I love the shops. I love the little town feel it has.
It is near the lake so it is just a great place & I would LOVE to move over that way!
On our way we found this super cute antique shop && being with my sister we HAD to stop in.
There was a lot of really cool things and the store just kept going and going and going.
Berkdale Village |
On our way home we saw this rainbow & if you look closely you can see it ends right in the middle of the road! It was soo awesome!
We ended this day by just hanging out and
Day 3
We went downtown Charlotte and took a 4 billion pictures.
we had a great time and I am so glad that my sister chose to spend her spring break with mom and I in Charlotte instead of going somewhere else!
Thanks for a great 3 days!
& my wonderful new camera that I am working hard to figure out!